
Transformations Leeds is dedicated to transforming students to transform the nations.  We do this by supporting, equipping, and facilitating churches and local christians to make a difference rather than relying on our staff. That means partnership is at the heart of everything we do. So whether your church is looking for help with international students or you’re interested in volunteering, please read about what we’re doing and get in touch!


“International Students present to Christians in the UK the most wonderful and challenging opportunity which is too good to miss and too strategic to ignore.”



Partnering with us to make a difference in the lives of international students is an incredible opportunity. Every year Leeds welcomes over 15,000 international students across its various universities from some of the least reached countries in the world. You don’t need to send anyone halfway across the globe, you can witness to people keen to hear the gospel for the first time right here on your doorstep!

What’s more, those students will then take the gospel back to their home countries. There, they’ll continue to spread the good news more effectively than any UK missionary could. These students already know the culture, the language, have established social networks, and don’t bear the burden of raising significant financial support!

We partner with a wide range of churches in Leeds. We ask that partner churches read and agree to our Statement of Faith and our Statement of Unity. Once agreed, we provide church members regular opportunities to meet international students and share faith with them through our events, The Living Room and Explore International. We also provide online resources, cross-cultural training, and mentoring for key leaders so you can best serve, and learn from, internationals in your church!




By emailing Phil Thomas or by using the form below:


Blenheim Baptist Church, 2a Blackman Lane, LS2 9ER

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