

  • ARRIVAL - Arrive ten minutes before the rest of the team so that you can see if anything unexpectedly needs to be done. There won’t be much time for setup and your role is to give clear instructions to your team.

    • If there’s been a room change, make it clear and obvious how International Students will get from the advertised location to the new location. International Students won’t know their way around. Give more guidance than you think you need to.

    • Make sure the hot water is turned on right away as it takes a long time to heat up.

  • TEAM TIME - This meeting should happen at least 20 mins before the start time of every evening event in case International Students show up to the event early. Better to have a few minutes of free time after everything’s set up than to be problem solving while International Students are hoping for someone to speak to them.

    • Remind the team what the recommended follow up will be for International Students coming to the event.

    • Remind the team to invite International Students to the Bible study during the event, to chat to multiple people, and to make sure there’s at least one CU team member at every table.

    • Let people know if there are any specific things to bear in mind for this evening, or any changes to plans that have come up.

    • Pray together.

  • SETUP:

    • Put fliers on tables.

    • Make sure the literature table is set up.

    • Make sure you’ve got large and clear signage. This includes a welcome sign, a free tea/coffee sign, a free booklets sign, and a notice that photos and videos will be taken and used for publicity purposes unless specifically requested not to be.


    • Do a head count of International Students attending in the middle of the event, knowing the number who attend is helpful when feeding back to the Student Union and local churches.

    • Make sure the comments book is being used, especially by students who enjoyed themselves. It often helps if someone writes a comment in first so students know what sort of thing to write.

  • BIBLE STUDIES - This can be done by the IWW team or you can ask the TL team for help doing this:

    • Keep track of attendance figures.

    • Make sure the Bible study is announced at the event by someone on the IWW team who is clear and confident. This should sound simple, positive, and interesting.

    • Check that Bible study group leaders have what they need, are ready to pass out fliers to people in their groups, and to take contact details of people in their groups so people know about future events.

    • Decide which tables will be used for the Bible study groups. Bear in mind groups should be 7 people max.

    • Try to make sure that there’s a group for New Readers and a group for Experienced Readers.

    • Try to make sure there is mixed gender leadership for groups with mixed gender participants.

    • If there are people who aren’t doing anything during the Bible study, get them together to pray instead.

If you’ve got any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to drop us a line at phil.thomas@transformationsleeds.org.uk and we’ll get back to you ASAP!